Women want to ride a bike without fear of injury and harassment

Despite the health and environmental benefits of getting on a bike, in Melbourne, twice as many men ride bikes as women. A new study by Monash University has uncovered both why this is the case, and how it can be reversed.

Why cycling lanes should be on the fast track for cities

You might've noticed more cycleways rolling out around town recently. Whether it's a designated path alongside a main street or spray-on white lines and traffic cones cordoning off a portion of a back street, these car-free ...

The most effective ways to reduce car traffic

Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have identified the top 12 ways European cities have been able to curb car use and published their results in Case Studies on Transport Policy. The most effective measure was applying ...

Worldwide ship traffic up 300 percent since 1992

Maritime traffic on the world's oceans has increased four-fold over the past 20 years, likely causing more water, air and noise pollution on the open seas, according to a new study quantifying global ship traffic.

Shipping firms warn of haze danger in Malacca Strait

Shipping companies warned Friday that the haze emanating from forest fires in Indonesia could lead to accidents in the busy Malacca and Singapore straits, risking a potentially devastating oil spill.

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