Traffic fatalities spike during spring break

Come spring break, college students from all over the country travel to warmer climates for time off from school and to escape the cold weather. However, it's not all fun in the sun. At popular spring break destinations, ...

Jaywalking not worth the risk, expert says

The hectic holidays may have many looking to save a few extra minutes wherever they can be found, but a University of Alabama at Birmingham expert says one seemingly small action—jaywalking—should be avoided at all times.

US drivers talk and text as much as ever

Americans are using cellphones and other gadgets behind the wheel as much as ever, despite widespread awareness of the risks involved, a federal government agency said Friday.

iPhone app supports parents, helps teens become safer drivers

Book after book has been written to help parents know what to expect when they are expecting, how to handle the terrible twos, and how to talk about the birds and the bees. Now the University of North Carolina Highway Safety ...

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