Lufthansa warns airport capacity to squeeze growth

Lufthansa, Europe's largest airline group, said Thursday that capacity bumping up against limits at overcrowded airports would hem in growth this year as it reported that its bottom line fell in 2018.

American Airlines warns of delays from shutdown

American Airlines executives warned of significant travel delays if the US government shutdown goes on much longer, but said Thursday that customer demand has not been significantly affected thus far.

Amelia Earhart would have a hard time disappearing in 2019

When Amelia Earhart took off in 1937 to fly around the world, people had been flying airplanes for only about 35 years. When she tried to fly across the Pacific, she – and the world – knew it was risky. She didn't make ...

New traffic rules in 'Graphene City'

In the drive to find new ways to extend electronics beyond the use of silicon, physicists are experimenting with other properties of electrons, beyond charge. In work published today (Dec 7) in the journal Science, a team ...

Indonesian quake and tsunami devastates coast, many victims

The powerful earthquake and tsunami that hit Indonesia's central Sulawesi has claimed dozens of victims, a disaster official said Saturday, as rescuers raced to reach the region and an AP reporter saw numerous bodies in a ...

Speech recognition technology for air traffic controllers

The popularity of air transport continues to grow, placing an even greater workload on air traffic controllers (ATCOs). Their predicament can be improved through an automatic speech recognition system closely integrated with ...

NTSB considering technology to avoid accidents, close calls

Safety regulators are recommending the use of technology to help avoid the kind of catastrophic collision that nearly occurred when an Air Canada jetliner zoomed over four taxiing planes full of passengers, coming within ...

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