Nokia's map data reveals flow of highway life

( —Nokia's HERE business is casting bright light on Nokia as a company making use of technologies capable of what it calls "mapping for life," enabling better safety for drivers and better use of information for ...

Google snaps up Waze to add to mapping service (Update)

Google is buying online mapping service Waze in a $1.03 billion deal that keeps a potentially valuable tool away from its rivals while allowing it to gain technology that could improve the accuracy and usefulness of its own ...

Temperatures and wind conditions move traffic noise

( -- Imagine sitting down for your early morning coffee when your nice little suburban morning is disrupted by the sound of highway traffic from a quarter mile away. When you purchased your home far from the ...

CarTel project researching cars as mobile sensors

Data about road and traffic conditions can come from radio stations’ helicopters, the Department of Transportation’s roadside sensors, or even, these days, updates from ordinary people with cell phones. But all of these ...

Smarter cars are gaining traction (w/ Video)

( -- Lives can depend on a vehicle's moment-by-moment traction. New European technology promises to make cars as good as experienced, alert drivers at sensing and adjusting to wet, snowy or icy roads.

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