Indigenous knowledge key to a successful ecosystem restoration

Ecological restoration projects actively involving indigenous peoples and local communities are more successful. This is the result of a study carried out by the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology at the Universitat ...

Scientists skeptical of superconductor claims that went viral

A recent claim by South Korean researchers that they have created a material which works as a superconductor at room temperature—long a holy grail of physics—has been met with huge excitement on social media but skepticism ...

New soft magnetic materials for a high-frequency future

Imagine tiny magnets powering our world, silently switching energy on and off in phones, cars, and even power grids. These unsung heroes are called soft magnetic materials. However, as devices become faster and more efficient, ...

A new weapon in the fight against superbugs

The ever-increasing threat from "superbugs"—strains of pathogenic bacteria that are impervious to the antibiotics that subdued their predecessor generations—has forced the medical community to look for bactericidal weapons ...

Indigenous knowledge can be key to fighting climate change

While indigenous communities have developed knowledge over centuries to manage their lands and adapt to challenges such as rising sea levels or wildfires, they are still deeply affected by climate change. Two University of ...

NASA laser communications mission passes major review milestone

(—NASA's Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LCRD) mission has successfully completed a Mission Concept Review, a major evaluation milestone of the engineering plan to execute the build and launch of a space ...

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