New study on coal phase-out fuels doubts about 'commissionitis'

A novel research approach that analyzes political discourse through the automated text evaluation of comments on the social media platform Twitter is now providing insights into a fundamental question of climate policy: Does ...

Temporary employment may consolidate labor market inequality

A new study in European Sociological Review from Umeå University shows that temporary workers receive less employer-paid training than permanent workers. However, having a union representative present at the workplace can ...

Tracking agricultural-related deforestation

The global trade in agricultural commodities provides food, fuel and fiber to consumers around the world. Commodity production, however, is also linked with negative environmental impacts, including the loss and degradation ...

Study: New German govt's plans fall short of climate goal

A research institute's analysis has concluded that the incoming German government's plans for curbing greenhouse gas emissions are insufficient to put Germany on course to meet the goals of the 2015 Paris climate accord.

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