Chemists reveal how tau proteins form tangles

One of the hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease is the presence of neurofibrillary tangles in the brain. These tangles, made of tau proteins, impair neurons' ability to function normally and can cause the cells to die.

Predicting bioavailable cadmium levels in soils

New Zealand's pastoral landscapes are some of the loveliest in the world, but they also contain a hidden threat. Many of the country's pasture soils have become enriched in cadmium. Grasses take up this toxic heavy metal, ...

Dutch toxic landfill site is now capturing and storing carbon

Precise carbon measurements indicate that peat is already being formed at the Volgermeerpolder near Amsterdam (NL), a toxic waste landfill site that was capped with foil with an artificial wetland on top. The new peat will ...

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