Italy confirms higher cancer, death rates from mob dumping

An Italian parliament-mandated health survey has confirmed higher-than-normal incidents of death and cancer among residents in and around Naples, thanks to decades of toxic waste dumping by the local Camorra mob.

How mercury contamination affects reptiles in the Amazon basin

Mercury contamination in water and on land is of worldwide concern due to its toxic effects on ecosystems and human health. Mercury toxicity is of particular concern to reptiles because they are currently experiencing population ...

The dynamics of mercury toxins in the oceans' food web

Methylmercury, a toxic form of mercury that is readily absorbed from the gastro-intestinal tract and can cause in a variety of health issues, poses a significant threat to marine animals at the top of the food web.

Utah urges caution over toxic-spill river

Outdoor enthusiasts in Utah were urged Wednesday to use caution along a river tainted by a toxic waste spill at an abandoned gold mine in Colorado a week ago.

Toward a safer form of acetaminophen

Efforts to develop a safer form of acetaminophen—the pain and fever-reducer that is one of the most widely used drugs—have led to discovery of substances that may have less potentially toxic effects on the liver. A report ...

Australian miner says any derailment spill 'diluted'

An Australian mining company said Thursday that any hazardous copper concentrate from its operations that may have washed into floodwaters when a freight train derailed had likely been "highly diluted."

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