New pathogen likely culprit for mass crab deaths: UK study

What caused the mass death of crustaceans off the coast of northeast England in late 2021? A new finding on Friday brought relief to the government, which is developing a flagship new "freeport" in the region.

New method makes it easier to predict algae blooms

Toxic algae can pose serious problems. Mussels become poisonous and aquaculture can be wiped out. But despite the monitoring of algae and toxins, it is very difficult to forecast when an algal bloom will occur. Now a research ...

Research reveals harmful algal blooms' daily cycles

In new NSF-funded research, scientists at the Great Lakes Center for Fresh Waters and Human Health show that, as in the rest of life, timing is everything. Published in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology, their recent ...

Research reveals harmful algal blooms' daily cycles

In new NSF-funded research, scientists at the Great Lakes Center for Fresh Waters and Human Health show that, as in the rest of life, timing is everything. Published in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology, their recent ...

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