Industrial music scares off pesky Sydney bats

A huge colony of fruit bats that live in Sydney's Royal Botanic Gardens are such a pest that desperate officials have taken to blaring industrial noise and banging sounds to scare them off.

Action needed on Samoan dogs

Massey University researchers say more must be done to humanely manage the canine population in Samoa.

Informed tourists make whale watching safer for whales

According to the International Whaling Commission, whale-watching tourism generates more than $2.5 billion a year. After the COVID-19 pandemic, this relatively safe outdoor activity is expected to rebound. Two new studies ...

'Party city' Amsterdam to crack down on tourists

Amsterdam is seeking to contain the flood of tourists swamping the city, with the incoming council proposing a series of tough measures and plans to hike tourism taxes.

Faroe Islands to 'close' for a weekend to protect environment

Authorities in the Faroe Islands have announced the archipelago in the North Atlantic will be "closed for maintenance" for two days in April when tourists won't be welcome, instead opening the doors to volunteer caretakers.

Brazil firefighters race to contain wetland blazes

A tractor cuts a firebreak through the vegetation of the Pantanal, the world's biggest tropical wetlands, as firefighters race to contain the blazes that have been devastating one of the most biodiverse regions on Earth.

How to make your next holiday better for the environment

Being an environmentally friendly tourist can be challenging. Tourism is an industry that brings many negative environmental impacts—our pleasure often comes at the expense of local habitats or wildlife.

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