Chunk of rock drops off Italy's Colosseum

The Colosseum lost another piece on Tuesday as Rome's most famous monument deteriorates further ahead of a long-delayed restoration funded by an Italian billionaire now scheduled to start in March.

Controversy over reopening the 'Sistine Chapel' of Stone Age art

Plans to reopen Spain's Altamira caves are stirring controversy over the possibility that tourists' visits will further damage the 20,000-year old wall paintings that changed views about the intellectual ability of prehistoric ...

Tourism does not harm all caves

Unlike the situation in other caves, damage caused by tourists at the Águila cave in Ávila, Spain is "imperceptible", despite it receiving tens of thousands of visitors each year. This is the main conclusion of ...

New heights for Australian beer lovers

The first space tourist flights may be several years away but a group of thirsty Australian scientists are at work on the critical question -- what makes a top zero-gravity beer?

Ctrip surfs China's homegrown travel wave

A crescendo of voices builds on a typically bustling day in the Shanghai headquarters of as staff put together hundreds of tourist trips. It is the sound of China's travel boom.

Russia to reopen space tourism in 2013: company

Russia will reopen its Soyuz space ships to paying tourists in 2013 after a hiatus since 2009, the US-based company that organises the trips with Russia's space agency said Wednesday.

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