Sharing best practice of gender-transformative tourism policies

The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) recently released a report titled Snapshot of Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in National Tourism Strategies which provides a synthesis of publicly-available strategies ...

Mexico's Caribbean coast hit by heavy seaweed, more expected

Environmentalists and tourism operators on Mexico's Caribbean coast are complaining about mounds of foul-smelling sargassum—a seaweed-like algae—that are piling up on beaches and turning turquoise waters brown.

Shark tourism a 'hook' for conservation

Cage diving with an apex predator such as a white shark is a high adrenaline experience, but it can also change participants' views on shark conservation once they're back on dry land.

When coastal hazards threaten your Outer Banks trip

A trip to the Outer Banks is a tradition for some North Carolina families and a bucket-list destination for other tourists. A new study from North Carolina State University asked visitors for their reactions to having travel ...

Mass tourism brings dollars but with all the baggage

Last August, the picturesque Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan halved to US$100 per night a charge levied on international tourists. The fee recognized the "important role of the tourism sector in generating employment, earning ...

Egypt's rebounding tourism threatens Red Sea corals

In serene turquoise waters off Egypt's Red Sea coast, scuba divers ease among delicate pink jellyfish and admire coral—yet a rebounding tourism sector threatens the fragile marine ecosystem.

Cambodia battles to save rare Mekong dolphins

The sight of two dolphins twisting playfully in the murky waters of the Mekong river elicits barely stifled squeals of delight from a boatload of eco-tourists.

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