Digital nomads: A benefit or burden for local communities?

Many criticize digital nomads for fueling gentrification and pricing out locals. Social, economic, spatial and cultural segregation between nomads and local communities has already stirred controversy from Canada to the Canary ...

Study reveals economic impact of Florida's red tide on tourism

A new study from the University of Central Florida's Rosen College of Hospitality Management has found that the loss to tourism-related businesses due to the 2018 Florida red tide bloom is estimated at approximately $2.7 ...

The influence of social media on revenge tourism

Research in the International Journal of Tourism Policy has shown how social media platforms can influence holidaymakers and travelers in seeking out destinations that have been the victims of adverse events, natural disasters ...

Fiji minister urges 'quicker' plastic pollution treaty

The world must move faster on a plastic pollution treaty that is currently not expected to be finalized before the end of next year, Fiji's deputy prime minister told an international summit on Thursday.

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