Why extinct species seem to be returning from the dead

Like something out of a zombie movie, species that were once thought extinct seem to be rising from the dead. Between February 21 and March 4 2019, three notable rediscoveries were announced – the Fernandina Island Galápagos ...

Tortoise evolution: How did they become so big?

The evolution of giant tortoises might not be linked to islands, as has previously been thought. In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers from Argentina and Germany have presented the most comprehensive family tree of extinct ...

Giving tortoises a 'head start'

Research from the University of Georgia indicates that head-starting—raising a species in captivity and releasing it into a protected habitat after it has grown large enough to be less vulnerable to predators—is a useful ...

Over 10,000 endangered tortoises are rescued in Madagascar

International conservationists in Madagascar have been treating more than 10,000 critically endangered radiated tortoises that were seized from traffickers who crammed the creatures into a home with no access to food or water.

Shipments of protected African species to Asia soar: study

Shipments of protected African species including tortoises, pythons and parrots to Asia have soared since 2006 as demand grows in the Far East for exotic pets, meats and other animal products, a new study warned Tuesday.

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