We can eliminate the major tornado threat in Tornado Alley

The annually recurring devastating tornado attacks in US Tornado Alley raise an important question: Can we eliminate the major tornado threat in Tornado Alley? Some people may claim that such a question is beyond imagination ...

Researchers develop model to correct tornado records

(Phys.org) —In the wake of deadly tornadoes in Oklahoma this past spring, Florida State University researchers have developed a new statistical model that will help determine whether the risk of tornadoes is increasing ...

No rest for the tornado

(Phys.org) —Do tornadoes take the weekends off? Researchers from NC State University examined the question of the connection between tornado frequency and aerosol pollution, and found that any link between the two is tenuous ...

Reality catches up with sci-fi in storm drones

At the time it premiered, the film "Twister" put forth a fantastical science fiction idea: Release probes into a storm in order to figure out which tornadoes could develop into killers. It's no longer fiction. Oklahoma State ...

Explainer: Why are tornadoes so destructive?

Tornadoes are a part of life for people living in the Great Plains of the United States. In Oklahoma, a state that averages 62 tornadoes a year, people are prepared as best as they can be and are well warned.

Moore tornado a rarity, experts say

Tornados, among the most violent of atmospheric storms, rarely reach the size and brutality of the twister that swept through an Oklahoma City suburb on Monday, experts say.

Don't pin US tornado on climate change, UN panel head says

Pinning the deadly tornado in the US state of Oklahoma on climate change is wrongheaded, even though the world is set to see a rise in high-profile weather disasters due to global warming, the leader of a UN body said Tuesday.

Could global warming change tornado season, too?

With the planet heating up, many scientists seem fairly certain some weather elements like hurricanes and droughts will worsen. But tornadoes have them stumped.

Tornadoes in Australia? They're more common than you think

There is a long-standing myth that Australia doesn't get tornadoes. This simply isn't true. Just ask residents of Burnett Heads and Bargara, on Queensland's southeast coast, or the Melburnians who were affected by tornadoes ...

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