Related topics: teeth

Nordic Bronze Age attracted wide variety of migrants to Denmark

Migration patterns in present-day Denmark shifted at the beginning of the Nordic Bronze Age, according to a study published August 21, 2019 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Karin Frei of the National Museum of Denmark ...

Snowflakes inform scientists how tooth enamel is formed

Physicists and mathematicians use the classical Stefan problem to explain the principles of crystal formation, such as those that create snowflakes . Researchers in the University of Helsinki and Aalto University have now ...

Researchers explore how chewing affects teeth on the nanoscale

Food leaves permanent traces on teeth. Cows chewing on grass, tigers tearing up a piece of raw meat and humans munching on tortilla chips all end up with tiny scratches and nicks on the enamel of their teeth. Examining these ...

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