Solution proposed to suffering caused by horse nosebands

( -- Nosebands on horse bridles are being tightened so much in some equestrian competitions that horses are suffering stress, reduced blood flow in the area and ultimately even deformed nasal bones, according ...

Cats versus dogs in the 'drinking' category (w/ video)

( -- The competition between cat and dog owners has one or the other always looking for an advantage and cat owners thought they had one last year when Pedro Reis and Roman Stocker from MIT discovered that cats ...

Reversible saliva allows frogs to hang on to next meal

A frog uses its whip-like tongue to snag its prey faster than a human can blink, hitting it with a force five times greater than gravity. How does it hang onto its meal as the food rockets back into its mouth?

3-D printing the first ever biomimetic tongue surface

Scientists have created synthetic soft surfaces with tongue-like textures for the first time using 3-D printing, opening new possibilities for testing oral processing properties of food, nutritional technologies, pharmaceutics ...

'Queen's English' not the best

Native English speakers should give up their claim to be the guardians of the purest form of the language and accept that the ways it is used and changed by millions around the world are equally valid.

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