Laser technique enables 3-D analysis, natural color images

A new technology invented to automate the laborious process of preparing plant roots for phenotyping has morphed into a powerful tool for exploring the three-dimensional structure of small objects. Now, two former Penn State ...

Manufacturing medical implants at a high speed

Intelligent software from Siemens for virtual planning and for the control of machine tools is making it possible for medical implants to be manufactured faster and less expensively. The challenge with artificial knee, shoulder, ...

Stranded dolphins exhibit bubbles, and ability to recover

Scientists know that the blood and tissues of some deceased beaked whales stranded near naval sonar exercises are riddled with bubbles. It is also well know that human divers can suffer from bubbles-induced decompression ...

Using neutrons and X-rays to analyze the aging of lithium batteries

Lithium batteries power smart phones, laptops, and electric bicycles and cars by storing energy in a very small space. This compact design is usually achieved by winding the thin sandwich of battery electrodes into a cylindrical ...

Research unlocks supernova stardust secrets

Curtin University-led research has discovered a rare dust particle trapped in an ancient extra-terrestrial meteorite that was formed by a star other than our sun.

How researchers are resurrecting antique musical instruments

In our modern age of specialization, it is increasingly rare to find the kind of individual who, in another age, would have been known as a Renaissance man or a polymath. The likes of Leonardo da Vinci, recognized for his ...

Colliding molecules and antiparticles

Antiparticles—subatomic particles that have exactly opposite properties to those that make up everyday matter—may seem like a concept out of science fiction, but they are real, and the study of matter-antimatter interactions ...

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