Research could lead to better-tasting tomatoes, other benefits

( —Some compounds that determine plant species' characteristics such as the taste of tomatoes can be engineered to produce larger quantities in plants that have few or none of them, researchers at Purdue University ...

Disease-resistant tomatoes fight lethal pests

In the battle against thrips, Cornell breeder Martha Mutschler-Chu has developed a new weapon: a tomato that packs a powerful one-two punch to deter the pests and counter the killer viruses they transmit.

Viral alliances overcoming plant defenses

Washington State University researchers have found that viruses will join forces to overcome a plant's defenses and cause more severe infections.

Presence of invasive insect in Senegal confirmed

(—A Virginia Tech-managed research program, the Integrated Pest Management Collaborative Research Support Program, has confirmed the presence of Tuta absoluta in Senegal, the first confirmation of the insect's ...

Modern DNA techniques applied to nineteenth-century potatoes

Researchers led by Professor Bruce Fitt, now at the University of Hertfordshire, have used modern DNA techniques on late nineteenth-century potatoes to show how the potato blight may have survived between cropping seasons ...

UW scientists probe, attack late blight in potatoes

(—As the annual potato harvest begins, Wisconsin farmers continue to check their fields for late blight, the ferocious plant disease that caused the 1848 Irish potato famine and fueled massive emigration from Ireland.

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