First physical evidence of tobacco in a Mayan container

A scientist at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and an anthropologist from the University at Albany teamed up to use ultra-modern chemical analysis technology at Rensselaer to analyze ancient Mayan pottery for proof of tobacco ...

Tests underway for new HIV drug farmed from GM tobacco plants

A clinical trial of a potential Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) drug farmed from genetically modified (GM) tobacco plants has at long last got underway in the United Kingdom. The beginning of the trial follows several ...

Low oxygen triggers moth molt

A new explanation for one of nature's most mysterious processes, the transformation of caterpillars into moths or butterflies, might best be described as breathless.

When viruses infect bacteria

( -- Viruses are the most abundant parasites on Earth. Well known viruses, such as the flu virus, attack human hosts, while viruses such as the tobacco mosaic virus infect plant hosts.

Study of phytoremediation benefits of 86 indoor plants published

Formaldehyde is a major contaminant of indoor air, originating from particle board, carpet, window coverings, paper products, tobacco smoke, and other sources. Indoor volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as formaldehyde ...

Medicines from plants

Some people think of herbal teas, others of tobacco when they hear the buzzword "medicines from plants". One research team succeeded in producing biopharmaceuticals -- such as an antibody against HIV, for example, -- in tobacco ...

Titanate cigarette filter could be safer

( -- While current cigarettes are made with a filter created from cellulose acetate which absorbs things like nicotine, tar, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Chinese researchers have discovered that nanomaterials ...

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