Related topics: risk factors

Study of phytoremediation benefits of 86 indoor plants published

Formaldehyde is a major contaminant of indoor air, originating from particle board, carpet, window coverings, paper products, tobacco smoke, and other sources. Indoor volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as formaldehyde ...

A compound in smokers' breath

If you smoke, your breath contains 2,5-dimethylfuran. A team of Catalan researchers have proved that the presence of this chemical compound indicates that a person has smoked in the last three days. This substance does not ...

Examining heated tobacco product emissions

A new paper examining whether heated tobacco products emit smoke has been published in the academic journal American Chemical Society Omega.

Exposure to cigarette smoke found to increase cancer risk in dogs

Dogs are humans' best friends. Need to quickly locate a bomb? There's a dog for that. Can't see very well? There's a dog for that. Searching for a lost hiker in the mountains or survivors in an earthquake, diagnosing illness, ...

Study examines marketing deception's role in consumer thinking

Heavily marketed as a safer, healthful alternative to smoking, electronic cigarettes are under fire from California health officials who have declared "vaping" a public health threat, hoping to head off the type of deceptive ...

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