A study on tropical fish sheds light on species invasions

Biodiversity, i.e., the variety of life forms on Earth, is in great danger. Human-driven climate change and intensive land use are altering ecosystems, and globalisation facilitates the transport of non-native species into ...

Roads negatively affect frogs and toads, study finds

The development of roads has a significant negative and pervasive effect on frog and toad populations, according to a new study conducted by a team of researchers that included undergraduate students and faculty from Virginia ...

Kimberley survey nets plenty of crocs

Parks and Wildlife officers have conducted a capture and release survey of freshwater crocodiles (Crocodylus johnsoni) with Bunuba Rangers at Winjanna Gorge National Park in the West Kimberley in preparation for the arrival ...

Cane toad pioneers speed up invasions

(Phys.org) —Climate change is one of a number of stressors that cause species to disperse to new locations. Scientists must be able to predict dispersal rates accurately, as the movement of a new species into an area can ...

Fitness for toad sperm: The secret is to mate frequently

An increasing number of men suffer from fertility problems, especially in western society. The general belief is that many problems may be related to stress but it is possible that some of them may arise because men simply ...

Frog trade link to killer fungus revealed

The global trade in frogs, toads and other amphibians may have accidentally helped create and spread the deadly fungal disease, chytridiomycosis, which has devastated amphibian populations worldwide.

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