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Image: Dark pools on Titan

This radar image from the Cassini orbiter shows a thin strip of surface on Saturn's moon Titan. The yellow-hued terrain appears to be peppered with blue-tinted lakes and seas. However, these would not be much fun to splash ...

Titan takes on the big one

The San Andreas Fault system, which runs almost the entire length of California, is prone to shaking, causing about 10,000 minor earthquakes each year just in the southern California area.

What kind of life would we find on Titan?

Could there be life on Saturn's large moon Titan? Asking the question forces astrobiologists and chemists to think carefully and creatively about the chemistry of life, and how it might be different on other worlds than it ...

The secret of the world's smelliest flower

By happy coincidence and far from its native home in western Sumatra, titum arum, the world's smelliest bloom, flowered at Paignton Zoo in Devon and at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh. It's a rare event, but not to ...

Huygens mission: Ten years at Titan

Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the pioneering Huygens mission to Saturn's moon Titan, the first successful landing on an outer Solar System world.

Cornell's rare corpse plant to bloom again

Though a rose smells sweet no matter what it is called, Cornell's rare corpse plant stinks like rotting flesh in spite of its many names.

The formation and development of desert dunes on Titan

Combining climate models and observations of the surface of Titan from the Cassini probe, a team from the AIM Astrophysics Laboratory (CNRS / CEA / Paris Diderot University) , in collaboration with researchers at the Paris ...

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