Related topics: atmosphere · cassini spacecraft · saturn · moon

Eyes in the sky

Dense veils of cloud over Venus, rocky barren landscapes of frozen ice on Saturn's moon Titan, white patches in the red sand of Mars – these are images of completely alien worlds. Worlds which humans cannot reach, but ...

STAR TRAK: Mercury first planet to be seen through most of July

For the first three weeks of July, the first planet to appear in the evening sky will be Mercury, visible near the west-northwestern horizon around 45 minutes after sunset. After that, the planet will rapidly fade as it disappears ...

Sailing the Titan seas

( -- The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Md., is managing a project to explore the organic seas of Saturn's moon Titan, one of three proposals selected by NASA this week as ...

STAR TRAK for May 2011

The closest gathering of four bright planets in decades will be on display low in the eastern sky before dawn during May.

A water ocean on Titan?

Oddities in the rotation of Saturn's largest moon Titan might add to growing evidence that it harbors an underground ocean, researchers suggest.

Titanate cigarette filter could be safer

( -- While current cigarettes are made with a filter created from cellulose acetate which absorbs things like nicotine, tar, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, Chinese researchers have discovered that nanomaterials ...

Is titan hiding an ocean?

Saturn's moon Titan just keeps throwing surprises at us. A multi-layered atmosphere thicker than our own? Check. A hydrologic cycle that relies on methane as the operating liquid? Check. Rivers, streams and lakes filled with ...

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