New method for imaging biological molecules

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, together with colleagues from Aalto University in Finland, have developed a new method for creating images of molecules in cells or tissue samples. The method is based on the ...

Staying young, from the cells on up

Researchers at Université de Montréal and McGill University have discovered a new multi-enzyme complex that reprograms metabolism and overcomes "cellular senescence," when aging cells stop dividing.

Killing germs with electron beams

Medical products, packaging and food can be safely and efficiently sterilized with electron beams. In the future, Fraunhofer researchers also plan to use accelerated electrons to eliminate germs from tissue transplants and ...

What makes tissue soft and yet so tough

Engineers at ETH Zurich have discovered that soft biological tissue deforms very differently under tension than previously assumed. Their findings are already being put to use in medical research projects.

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