In Cuba, crabs embark on perilous migration to Bay of Pigs

Every year in Cuba, millions of crabs emerge from the forest at the beginning of the spring rains and head for the waters of the Bay of Pigs, crossing streets and highways on a perilous journey to mate and reproduce.

Tires dumped in the ocean are killing hermit crabs

A pair of researchers at Hirosaki University, has found that tires discarded in the ocean trap and kill hermit crabs. Atsushi Sogabe and Kiichi Takatsuji have published their study in Royal Society Open Science.

Carbon black recycled from car tires

Until now, waste tires have been used mainly for recovering energy sources: Only small proportions of the carbon black contained in these tires are recycled, since mineral ash accounts for around 20 percent of its content. ...

Forensic scientists unlocking unique chemical signatures in tires

Skid marks left by cars are often analyzed for their impression patterns, but they often don't provide enough information to identify a specific vehicle. UCF Chemistry Associate Professor Matthieu Baudelet and his forensics ...

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