AFM tips from the microwave

Scientists from the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (Germany) have succeeded in improving a fabrication process for Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) probe tips.

Microscopic fountain pen to be used as a chemical sensor

The Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), which uses a fine-tipped probe to scan surfaces at the atomic scale, will soon be augmented with a chemical sensor. This involves the use of a hollow AFM cantilever, through which a liquid ...

'Doomsday' climate tipping points have wiggle room: study

Global warming thresholds that could tip massive ice sheets into irreversible melting or see the Amazon rainforest shrivel into savannah have "grace periods", giving humanity more time to draw down planet-warming carbon emissions, ...

Research indicates ocean current shutdown may be gradual

The findings of a major new study are consistent with gradual changes of current systems in the North Atlantic Ocean, rather than a more sudden shutdown that could lead to rapid climate changes in Europe and elsewhere.

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