Tiny silicone spheres come out of the mist

Technology in common household humidifiers could enable the next wave of high-tech medical imaging and targeted medicine, thanks to a new method for making tiny silicone microspheres developed by chemists at the University ...

Biomimetic dew harvesters

Insects are full of marvels - and this is certainly the case with a beetle from the Tenebrionind family, found in the extreme conditions of the Namib desert.

Vibrating nanodroplets may invade a tumor

Sending tiny droplets to a tumor and having them vaporized using focused ultrasound: It could be a new way of tracing a tumor or deliver drugs locally. Researchers of the University of Twente now demonstrate a new phenomenon ...

The birth of a cloud droplet

(PhysOrg.com) -- Wrapped in mystery, the formation of a cloud droplet comes down to physics. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory led a research team that has helped peel away another layer of the cloud droplet conundrum. ...

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