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Apple sticks to the script at shareholders meeting

Apple's annual shareholders meeting came and went with none of the fireworks expected during the long and messy buildup to the event, as the tech giant's executives and investors calmly checked off the necessary tasks and ...

Apple, US lawmakers in offshore tax showdown

Apple and US lawmakers are gearing up for a showdown over taxes—specifically how to deal with the huge stockpile of cash held by Apple and other multinational firms offshore.

Apple becomes first company worth over $700 bn

Apple became the first company to reach a market value of $700 billion Tuesday as shares vaulted amid upbeat news on the US tech giant's gains in the smartphone market and soon-to-arrive smartwatch.

Apple's grip on China tablet market loosens

Apple's grip on China's tablet market has loosened as Asian tech companies increase sales with cheaper Android tablet computers, a market report showed Thursday.

Apple begins event where new iPhone expected

(AP) -- An Apple event has started during which the company is expected to unveil a new iPhone. It's the first major product event in years that Steve Jobs isn't presiding over.

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