Bacteria pitted against fungi to protect wheat and barley

(—Soil-dwelling bacteria that depend on wheat and barley roots for their "room and board" could soon prove themselves helpful to the plants in return. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists in Pullman, ...

Less ploughing enables carbon storage in agricultural soils

The value of long-term studies can be found when you're ready to dig deep. WUR scientists and European partners asked: what happens when organic farmers stop plowing? In a joint effort, we sampled nine field trials across ...

Implementing no-till and cover crops in Texas cotton systems

Healthy soil leads to productive and sustainable agriculture. Farmers who work with, not against, the soil can improve the resiliency of their land. Because of this, practices such as no-till and cover crops and topics such ...

When it comes to tillage, timing matters

With herbicide resistance on the rise, there is a renewed emphasis on soil tillage as a critical component of integrated weed management. Research shows, though, that timing matters. When tillage occurs can significantly ...

Strip tillage, rowcovers for organic cucurbit production

Plasticulture systems, the use of polyethylene mulch on raised beds with drip irrigation, are common in the production of many cucurbit crops in the Northeastern US. Plasticulture systems have numerous benefits, but concerns ...

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