Related topics: extinction

Team studies DNA of tigers

Tigers - they are some of nature's most beautiful, deadly and endangered species. In fact, living tigers are severely endangered in fragmented geographic areas across Asia - some reports show their numbers as low as 3,000 ...

The devil's helmet for a legendary tiger moth

The Menetries's tiger moth (Borearctia menetriesii) is the most rare and enigmatic representative among the Palearctic Arctiinae. During an expedition in almost inaccessible wild taiga area of Eastern Siberia, Russian scientists ...

Tiger nations to set up anti-poaching network

Thirteen countries which are home to the world's dwindling population of wild tigers Friday agreed to establish an intelligence-sharing network to fight traffickers, concluding an anti-poaching conference in Kathmandu.

China demand threatens tiger protection

Soaring demand for tiger parts in China has emptied Asia's forests, frustrating efforts to protect the big cats, wildlife experts said as an anti-poaching conference opened in Kathmandu Monday.

'Tiger heavyweight' Nepal hosts anti-poaching summit

Nepal's success in turning tiger-fearing villagers into their protectors has seen none of the endangered cats killed for almost three years, offering key lessons for an anti-poaching summit opening in Kathmandu on Monday.

India's tiger population jumps

India, home to most of the world's wild tigers, on Tuesday reported a 30 percent jump in numbers over four years in a rare piece of good news for conservationists.

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