Shark's unique trek could help save the species

Her name is Jiffy Lube2, a relatively small shortfin mako shark that, like others of her kind, swims long distances every day in search of prey and comfortable water temperatures.

Jaws hold crucial knowledge on the fate of sharks

Jaws was the only word needed to give the iconic 1970's thriller about a great white with a preference for humans its eerie title. Though a strong and important player at the top of the foodchain, sharks face a range of enemies: ...

University's website lets you keep track of sharks

One tiger shark, affectionately known as Harry Lindo, swam an unprecedented 27,000 miles in three years. A couple of others, a tiger and a shortfin mako, dove 3,000 feet deep. Others thrashed through the seas at up to 60 ...

Tiger sharks revealed as lazy predators

One of the ocean's most feared predators – the tiger shark—has been revealed as a relaxed and sometimes lazy hunter by scientists studying their behaviour.

Drone captures shark feeding frenzy on whale

A drone has captured a bloody feeding frenzy by around 70 tiger sharks on a dead whale, turning the pristine waters of the aptly named Shark Bay in Australia red.

Tracking the deep sea paths of tiger sharks

Shark research scientist, Dr Jonathan Werry, has undertaken a four year study tracking the migratory patterns of tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier) across the Southwest Pacific.

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