Indian village relocated to protect tigers

An entire village inside a north Indian nature reserve has been moved to make more room for local tigers in a bid to protect the country's dwindling big cat population, an official said Wednesday.

Vietnam's planned sale of tiger paste protested

(AP) -- A local conservation group voiced opposition Friday to the planned sale of tiger paste by Vietnamese authorities, amid warnings by the international community that the animal's survival is in serious jeopardy.

Experts: Demand in China fuels tiger poaching

(AP) -- International experts say demand in China poses the greatest threat to tigers in the wild and organized crime runs the illicit trade in the world's largest felines.

Wildlife group targets Myanmar-China tiger trade

(AP) -- Wildlife trafficking officials say they have reached a preliminary agreement with an ethnic minority group in Myanmar to close down markets where hundreds of poached tigers from across Asia are sold for use in purported ...

Nepal expands critical tiger habitat

The Government of Nepal announced today an expansion of Bardia National Park in the Terai Arc Landscape by 900 sq km, which will increase critical habitat for tigers.

Decline in Russian tigers renews calls to end all trade

A shocking decline in the Russian Federation's wild tiger population highlights the importance of eliminating trade in and demand for tiger parts, the International Tiger Coalition (ITC) said today. The alliance of 40 organizations ...

121 breeding tigers estimated to be found in Nepal

The first ever overall nation-wide estimate of the tiger population brought a positive ray of hope among conservationists. The figures announced by the Nepal Government's Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation ...

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