India's tiger population 'on the rise'

India's tiger population has increased for the first time in decades, a newspaper said on Saturday, citing a national tiger census report slated to be released next week.

Nepal uses satellites to track rare tiger

An injured wild tiger that strayed into a tourist resort in Nepal has been moved to a new home in the jungle and fitted with a satellite collar so its progress can be tracked, the government said.

Vietnam's planned sale of tiger paste protested

(AP) -- A local conservation group voiced opposition Friday to the planned sale of tiger paste by Vietnamese authorities, amid warnings by the international community that the animal's survival is in serious jeopardy.

Experts: Demand in China fuels tiger poaching

(AP) -- International experts say demand in China poses the greatest threat to tigers in the wild and organized crime runs the illicit trade in the world's largest felines.

Tigers could be extinct in 12 years if unprotected

(AP) -- Wild tigers could become extinct in 12 years if countries where they still roam fail to take quick action to protect their habitats and step up the fight against poaching, global wildlife experts told a "tiger summit" ...

World leaders seek to save the tiger from extinction

The tiger's losing struggle against extinction received a boost Sunday from an unprecedented 13-state summit that aims to double the big cat's population by the next Year of the Tiger in 2022.

Wildlife group targets Myanmar-China tiger trade

(AP) -- Wildlife trafficking officials say they have reached a preliminary agreement with an ethnic minority group in Myanmar to close down markets where hundreds of poached tigers from across Asia are sold for use in purported ...

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