Asian tiger mosquito gains ground in Illinois

Researchers report that the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, has become more abundant across Illinois in the past three decades. Its spread is problematic, as the mosquito can transmit diseases—like chikungunya or ...

Five mosquito myths and one truth that really bite

Nothing kills a hammock hangout, Sunday hike or backyard barbecue faster than the stealthy blitz of the mosquito, those vampires of the insect world that strike fast and leave red, itchy bumps—or worse—in their wake.

Using mosquitos to decrease the mosquito population

Who would have thought of mosquitoes being put to work to help decrease and control the mosquito population? University of Kentucky professor and researcher Stephen Dobson and his former graduate student, Jimmy Mains, that's ...

Mosquito alert app: How to track invasive mosquitoes

Have you ever been bitten by a tiger? A tiger mosquito, that is. This invasive species and other close Asian species have found their way to Europe. But thanks to an ingenious smartphone app developed by the COST Action Aedes ...

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