Measuring tidal displacement using GPS

GPS is making possible high-precision, high-resolution measurements of tidal displacement that could not be achieved with other methods. Earth's surface deforms due to both body tides-the deformation of the solid Earth due ...

Robot gliders roam seas

( —Once the robotic gliders scour the ocean searching for potential harm to sea life, the data is sent to David Caron, professor of biological sciences in USC Dornsife, and other marine biologists. They use the ...

Out on the pull: Why the moon always shows its face

Technically, Pink Floyd had it wrong. The space-facing side of the moon isn't dark (except at full moon when the Earth is between the sun and the moon). Not that you'd know that, given we always see the same side of our nearest ...

When hungry, Gulf of Mexico algae go toxic

When Gulf of Mexico algae don't get enough nutrients, they focus their remaining energy on becoming more and more poisonous to ensure their survival, according to a new study by scientists from North Carolina State University ...

NOAA adds red tide alerts to Beach Hazards Statements

NOAA has added a new service to alert the public when red tides threaten human health at Tampa Bay area beaches. The new alert is timely since many of southwest Florida's beaches are experiencing or are under threat of red ...

Nuclear power emerges as new Japan campaign issue

The future of nuclear power in Fukushima-scarred Japan has emerged as a major campaign issue for the first time in weekend polls, but experts warn little thought has gone into how to replace atomic energy.

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