How David wins against Goliath in established industry

Researchers from University of Nebraska and York University published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that examines what can happen when 'little guys' work together to pursue common interests.

Extreme floods to hit US cities 'almost daily' by 2100

Coastal cities in the United States could experience "once in a lifetime" extreme flood events almost daily by the end of the century if sea levels continue to rise at current rates, new research published in Scientific Reports ...

Photos of 'king tides' globally show risks of climate change

Tourists, nature lovers and amateur scientists are whipping out their cameras to document the effects of extreme high tides on shorelines from the United States to New Zealand, and by doing so are helping better predict what ...

New projection: Faster rising seas forecast in South Florida

New scientific projections released Wednesday predict that ocean levels will rise even faster than previously forecast over the next four decades in low-lying southeastern Florida, which is already prone to frequent flooding ...

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