Scientists predict sea states for renewable energy

Tidal and wave technology is finally coming of age and the UK leads the world in the development of this vital renewable energy resource. Bangor University is playing a crucial role in this: as the industry moves towards ...

New research to support the huge potential of tidal power

(—New research from a global group of scientists and engineers, including from the University of Southampton, has been published in a special issue journal of the Royal Society. The work is in support of tidal ...

How tidal energy could help Japan with its nuclear power problem

Japan was the third-largest producer of nuclear power in the world in 2011. Then, on March 11 of that year, an earthquake of magnitude 9 was followed by a catastrophic tsunami, resulting in the first nuclear disaster of the ...

A better water wing to harvest tidal energy

( —The eternal ebb and flow of tides—24 x 7 x 365—makes them a dependable source of energy, but how to harness all that, especially in shallow water? Shreyas Mandre and colleagues at Brown have developed an ...

Ocean energy: EU leads in technology development and deployment

New technologies in the last decade have shown slow but steady progress of ocean and sea energy power: about 30 tidal and 45 wave energy companies are currently at an advanced stage of technological development worldwide, ...

Tides could be source of heat on icy moons

The icy moons in the outer solar system hold the potential for life, given that they may contain oceans of water. But life also needs a source of energy input to perform essential functions such as growth, reproduction and ...

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