Investigators perfect new version of blood-regulator thrombin

In research led by a Saint Louis University investigator, molecular biologists have discovered a way to harness the enzyme thrombin's anti-blood clotting properties. The finding opens the door to new medications that will ...

Plastic chips monitor body functions

A small blood lab that fits into the pocket of a jacket can quickly analyze the risk of blood clots in legs prior to a long distance flight; a sensor wristband for measuring electric smog can warn pacemaker patients of life-threatening ...

Actavis buying Warner Chilcott in $8.5B deal

Actavis is buying Warner Chilcott in an all-stock deal valued at about $8.5 billion that would create the third-biggest specialty pharmaceutical company in the U.S. market.

Greater accuracy in gauging blood coagulation

Thrombin plays a key role in various pathologies of the haemostatic system. Overexpression of thrombin can result in thrombosis, whereas its underexpression might lead to haemophilia. Therefore, accurate monitoring of thrombin ...

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