World-first system forecasts warming of lakes globally

A groundbreaking study will enable scientists to better predict future warming of the world's lakes due to climate change, and the potential threat to cold-water species such as salmon and trout.

Long-stalled cybersecurity bill poised for US approval

Legislation designed to fight cyber threats appeared poised for congressional passage following several failed attempts, with the White House on track to prevail despite objections from privacy activists.

Coal-fired power plants making Europeans sick, report says

Emissions from coal-fired power plants in the European Union contribute to over 18,000 premature deaths a year and cost an annual 42.8 billion euros, a report from the Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) said Thursday.

White House set to unveil cyber plan

The White House on Thursday is expected to unveil its proposal to enhance the nation's cybersecurity, laying out plans to require industry to better protect systems that run critical infrastructure like the electrical grid, ...

BP oil not degrading on Gulf floor, study says

(AP) -- Tar balls washed onto Gulf of Mexico beaches by Tropical Storm Lee earlier this month show that oil left over from last year's BP spill isn't breaking down as quickly as some scientists thought it would, university ...

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