New insights into coral symbiosis after bleaching

New research led by a team from the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) has uncovered a complex picture of both loss and gain within the microalgal communities of corals after the 2016 Great Barrier Reef mass coral ...

Climate change may have toppled Hittite Empire: study

Three years of extreme drought may have brought about the collapse of the mighty Hittite Empire around 1200 BC, researchers have said, linking the plight of the fallen civilization to the modern world's climate crisis.

Two thirds of reef sharks and rays risk extinction: Study

Nearly two thirds of the sharks and rays that live among the world's corals are threatened with extinction, according to new research published Tuesday, with a warning this could further imperil precious reefs.

New tool offers hope in the fight against plant extinction

In a powerful speech to open COP15, the UN Biodiversity Conference, in Montreal, UN Secretary General António Guterres said that "We are waging a war on nature" and called for "a peace pact with nature."

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