Growing cyber threat to US infrastructure: spy chief

The United States faces a mounting danger from cyber attacks on its infrastructure while digital espionage threatens to undercut the military's technological edge, the intelligence chief said Tuesday.

Britain seeking 'Xbox generation' spies (Update)

Britain launched a new spy recruitment drive on Thursday aimed at "Xbox generation" youngsters without a university education but with social media and computer game skills to counter the threat of cyber attack.

Wells Fargo website down in wake of threat

Wells Fargo's website was experiencing problems Wednesday, after a threat against US banking firms from a group pledging retaliation for an online video that has sparked unrest in the Muslim world.

US finance sector warned of cyber attacks

A US financial industry group warned banks and other institutions to beware cyber attacks Wednesday, after some firms reported sporadic problems with their websites.

US, Iran dig in for long cyber war

The United States and Iran are locked in a long-running cyber war that appears to be escalating amid a stalemate over Tehran's disputed nuclear program.

Apple out to kill widespread Macintosh virus

Apple said it is crafting a weapon to vanquish a Flashback virus from Macintosh computers and working to disrupt the command network being used by hackers behind the infections.

Hackers hitting Macs with virus: industry experts

The computer security industry buzzed Thursday with warnings that more than a half-million Macintosh computers may have been infected with a virus targeting Apple machines.

Helping businesses defend against cyber threats

Analysts with the National Security Agency see the threats coming at corporate America: viruses, worms and other malware targeting the computer networks that serve the nation's banks, utilities and businesses.

US bill seeks to improve cyber information-sharing

A bill intended to increase sharing of information about cybersecurity threats between government and the private sector was introduced in the US House of Representatives on Wednesday.

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