NYTimes leads group defense in mobile patent suit

The New York Times Co. is girding for a legal battle that many larger organizations have avoided. The Times is leading the defense of a diverse group of companies that use technology they assumed was free: sending text messages ...

A cleaner, faster battery

A team of Stanford and Canadian Light Source researchers have developed an ultrafast rechargeable battery from non-toxic materials.

1888 Edison recording may be 1st talking doll try

(AP) -- Scientists using advanced imaging technology have recovered a 123-year-old recording made by Thomas Edison that is believed to be the world's first attempt at a talking doll and may mark the dawn of the American ...

Thomas Edison also invented the concrete house, researcher says

Afficionados of modern poured-concrete design were in for a rude awakening last month when they heard NJIT Assistant Professor Matt Burgermaster's presentation at the 64th annual meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians. ...

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