Climate tipping points in Amazon, Tibet 'linked': scientists

Climate extremes in the Amazon rainforest are directly affecting those in the Tibetan Plateau, scientists said Thursday, warning that the Himalayan region crucial for the water security of millions was close to a potentially ...

Scientists bring back Earth's 'memory' with mountaintop ice

Humans are fascinated by our planet's distant past. Since human recorded history only goes back a few thousand years, we probe Earth's "memory" in various ways to uncover its secrets. One of these methods is to hunt for traces ...

Third Pole faces major changes in water flows

Snow cover and glaciers at the Third Pole are disappearing fast as a result of global warming. A joint research team modeled the Third Pole water cycling to see what the future has in store for the region.

Water meters help scientists quantify river runoff

The Third Pole centered on the Tibetan Plateau is home to the headwaters of multiple rivers in Asia. Despite the importance of these rivers, scientists have not known exactly how much water flows out of the mountains of the ...

Birth date for the 'roof of the world' recalibrated

As the 'roof of the world,' the Third Pole centered on the Tibetan Plateau can be easily considered a permanent presence. However, it is not. The place where Mount Everest stands today was once underwater. Exactly when the ...

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