Iron-platinum alloys could be new-generation hard drives

Meeting the demand for more data storage in smaller volumes means using materials made up of ever-smaller magnets, or nanomagnets. One promising material for a potential new generation of recording media is an alloy of iron ...

Promising doped zirconia

Materials belonging to the family of dilute magnetic oxides (DMOs)—an oxide-based variant of the dilute magnetic semiconductors—are good candidates for spintronics applications. This is the object of study for Davide ...

New insight into early growth of solid thin films

( —The foundation of many modern electronic devices, such as computer chips, are thin films – nanoscale-thickness layers of one material grown on the surface of another. As consumers continue to demand products ...

Peel-and-stick solar cells

It may be possible soon to charge cell phones, change the tint on windows, or power small toys with peel-and-stick versions of solar cells, thanks to a partnership between Stanford University and the U.S. Department of Energy's ...

Light tsunami in a superconductor

Superconductors are materials which conduct electric currents without any resistance. At the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, an international research team headed by Professor Andrea Cavalleri from the Max Planck Institute ...

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