Untwisting plastics for charging Internet-of-Things devices

Untwisting chains of atoms within a plastic polymer improves its ability to conduct electricity, according to a report by researchers, led by Nagoya University applied physicist Hisaaki Tanaka, in the journal Science Advances. ...

Stable electrodes for improving printed electronics

Imagine owning a television with the thickness and weight of a sheet of paper. It will be possible, someday, thanks to the growing industry of printed electronics. The process, which allows manufacturers to literally print ...

Adding up photons with a transition edge sensor

(PhysOrg.com) -- Scientists have demonstrated that a superconducting detector called a transition edge sensor (TES) is capable of counting the number of as many as 1,000 photons in a single pulse of light with an accuracy ...

Making solar cells is like buttering bread

Formamidinium lead iodide is a very good material for photovoltaic cells, but getting the correct stable crystal structure is a challenge. The techniques developed so far have produced poor results. However, University of ...

Caltech researchers design a new nanomesh material

(PhysOrg.com) -- Computers, light bulbs, and even people generate heat—energy that ends up being wasted. With a thermoelectric device, which converts heat to electricity and vice versa, you can harness that otherwise wasted ...

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