How non-religious worldviews provide solace in times of crisis

The saying "There are no atheists in foxholes" suggests that in stressful times people inevitably turn to God (or indeed gods). In fact, non-believers have their own set of secular worldviews which can provide them with solace ...

The skinny on 'Lean' education

Educators should learn a thing or two from the Just-In-Time and Lean production techniques used by the automotive industry if they are to add value to the student experience as quickly and effectively as possible. That's ...

Tackling the ethical challenges of big data

An authority on social data, Susan Etlinger argues we need to apply critical thinking and exercise caution as we enter the age of "data ubiquity."

Abstract thinking can make you more politically moderate

Partisans beware! Some of your most cherished political attitudes may be malleable! Researchers report that simply answering three "why" questions on an innocuous topic leads people to be more moderate in their views on an ...

Science literacy isn't as bad as the statistics make it look

Read the catchy one-line statistics that circulate in the headlines and on social media and you'd be forgiven for thinking that public understanding of science is in a sorry state. A few months back, we heard that 80% of ...

Dance choreography improves girls' computational skills

Clemson researchers find that blending movement and computer programming supports girls in building computational thinking skills, according to an ongoing study funded by the National Science Foundation and emerging technology ...

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