Words matter when math teachers describe student learning

Think back to math class in elementary school. Do you remember being assigned to a "high," "middle" or "low" group? If so, you'll relate to a new study from North Carolina State University on the importance of how teachers ...

Obama has better leadership skills, survey shows

(Phys.org)—A survey conducted by the University at Buffalo School of Management that evaluated the leadership skills of President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney has found that Obama scored significantly ...

Critical thinking called into question

A post-secondary education won’t necessarily guarantee students the critical thinking skills employers have come to expect from university grads, says a recent study.

Wiki-Kids: Teaching educators a thing or two about learning

Over the last decade, educators veered away from rote learning as the dominant technique for children's education. New curriculum standards call for a greater emphasis on active learning, critical thinking, and communication, ...

Computational thinking, 10 years later

"Not in my lifetime." That's what I said when I was asked whether we would ever see computer science taught in K-12. It was 2009, and I was addressing a gathering of attendees to a workshop on computational thinking convened ...

A professor's study of the fictional Hogwarts faculty

Melissa C. Johnson, Ph.D., associate professor and chair of the Department of Focused Inquiry in Virginia Commonwealth University's University College, was initially skeptical of the Harry Potter phenomenon, even as her nieces ...

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