Ancient board game offers insight into military, cyber threats

(—As the United States faces increasing cyber and physical threats, both foreign and domestic, intelligence analysts must be able to predict their adversaries' moves and defeat them at their own games. At Penn ...

Fostering critical thinking via assessment

Critical thinking skills have been identified as learning outcomes expected of students. Teaching towards developing thinking skills is quite recent, attempts are observed to find ways to infuse critical thinking into the ...

Fields for feelings

While some people experience great benefit when visiting churches, mosques and similar holy sites, she notes that others get a similar reward from crop-circle tourism. Enthusiasts refer to the circles as "temporary temples".

Abstract thinking can make you more politically moderate

Partisans beware! Some of your most cherished political attitudes may be malleable! Researchers report that simply answering three "why" questions on an innocuous topic leads people to be more moderate in their views on an ...

Obama has better leadership skills, survey shows

(—A survey conducted by the University at Buffalo School of Management that evaluated the leadership skills of President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney has found that Obama scored significantly ...

The advantages of being first

How people make choices depends on many factors, but a new study finds people consistently prefer the options that come first: first in line, first college to offer acceptance, first salad on the menu – first is considered ...

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