Shedding light on Australia's polar dinosaurs

Dinosaurs that lived in what is now known as Victoria more than 120 million years ago would have dealt with prolonged periods of darkness and below freezing temperatures, a new study reveals.

Macabre finds in the bog at Alken Enge

A fractured skull and a thigh bone hacked in half -- finds of damaged human bones along with axes, spears, clubs and shields confirm that the bog at Alken Enge was the site of violent conflict.

Microscope helps with dinosaur puzzle

Fossil sites sometimes resemble a living room table on which half a dozen different jigsaw puzzles have been dumped: It is often difficult to say which bone belongs to which animal. Together with colleagues from Switzerland, ...

3D imaging of a pelvis suggests social care for saber-tooths

You can't spell 'Smilodon fatalis' without 'fatal', but researchers at La Brea Tar Pits may have found a softer side to saber-toothed cats along with a connection to our own feline and canine companions.

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